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Blues Workshop with Charlie and Heidi: Wed 24 Mar

Updated 18 Mar 2004 21:30 by Dave Tran

The Queen's Swing Club is proud to present a blues workshop Wednesday 24 March featuring Charlie and Heidi from St. Louis! There will be two blues-intensive classes offered Wednesday evening and a blues dance afterward.

Register today!

Swing Club Fifth Year Anniversary Gala: Sat 27 Mar

Updated 18 Mar 2004 22:15 by Dave Tran

It's the Swing Club's 5th year anniversary! And we're going to blow out the year with style!

We are going to be hosting four hours of live continuous music from the red hot Spencer Evens Trio and Chris Alfano's thrilling Swing Masters!

This semi-formal event will be hosted at the ever so classy Agnes Etherington Art Centre! Hors d'oeuvres, modern art, swingin' jazz, high heels and hot times!

The Fifth Year Anniversary Gala

Hosted by the Queen's Swing Club
Sat 27 Mar, 9pm-1am
At the Agnes Etherington Art Centre
University Street at Queen's Crescent


What you can find on this site

Updated 7 Aug 2002 14:21 by Dave Tran

Local Swing News and Events

We will keep you informed on the latest news, from our weekly swing dances to road trips, band nights, and dance workshops around the continent. We also keep track of local jazz events in Kingston and encourage others to contribute to our event calendar.


The Queen's Swing Club holds Lindy Hop workshops twice a year, bringing in dance instructors with many years of experience to teach Kingston's swing dance community.

Club Photos

Usually we will take photographs of our major events. You'll see our club members strutting their stuff to the music of the top musicians in the Kingston jazz scene.


Although our events are open to the public, membership has its benefits! Members receive free admission to our weekly dances, including free instruction at the start of each dance, as well as discounts for special events such as band nights and road trips. Even if you don't want to be a member, you can join our mailing list. You'll be informed of weekly club news, the latest events, and how to get involved with the club.


What is the Queen's Swing Club all about?

Updated 7 Aug 2002 14:38 by Dave Tran

We're dedicated to providing you with a low cost means to meet people through swing dancing and listening to swing era and modern jazz music. We hold weekly dances on campus and teach beginners how to get on the floor to dance. We also hold special events like road trips to cities with a swing scene and band nights to promote our own Kingston swing scene. We participate in charity events and perform in swing dancing demonstrations.

If you would like to know more about the club, head to About.


On This Page

Upcoming Events

©2000-2004 Dave Tran, for the Queen's Swing Club.
Mirrored from a CoSMIC site.
Email us: info@queensswingclub.com
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