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Mission Statement

Our mission

Updated 8 Aug 2002 12:28 by Dave Tran

We want the club to operate with the right intentions in mind. We want to:

  • Provide a healthy social environment for those interested in swing music and dancing
  • Provide a low-cost means of regular recreation through weekly swing dances
  • Educate the Kingston and Queen's community about old and modern swing music and swing dancing in the "classic" styles through playing good music and teaching beginner's lessons
  • Expose the Kingston and Queen's community to local talent, such as professional dancers, dance instructors, and jazz artists
  • Maintain the good image of Queen's University by participating in outside charitable events by performing dance demonstrations, and helping to organize outside events where swing dancing is encouraged
  • Promote and encourage the growth of the swing phenomenon in Queen's and Kingston so that it can be enjoyed for many years to come.

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