| February 2004 | |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
1 10:00AM - 5:00PM [+] Solomon and Alana Workshop | 2 8:00PM - 11:00PM [+] Rock 'n' Roll in Wallace Hall50s rock 'n' roll night. Dress cool! Wallace Hall, JDUC (close to Union St. entrance). Lesson at 8pm, dance at 9pm. Follow the music and you'll be there!
| 3 | 4 | 5 10:00PM - 1:30AM [+] Martini Night at the Grad Club with Spencer EvansSpencer Evans Trio plays funk, reggae, jazz, blues and requests.
| 6 5:30PM - 8:30PM [+] Dinner Jazz at the Merchant MacLiamTrio or quartet. Rotating schedule; Paul Chabot, Spencer Evans and more! Beers, drinks, dinner and pub fare. Dancing!
| 7 |
8 | 9 8:00PM - 11:00PM [+] Dance Card (V-Day) Night in Wallace HallPrizes for filling out your dance card! Wallace Hall, JDUC (close to Union St. entrance). Lesson at 8pm, dance at 9pm. Follow the music and you'll be there!
| 10 | 11 | 12 10:00PM - 1:30AM [+] Martini Night at the Grad Club with Spencer EvansSpencer Evans Trio plays funk, reggae, jazz, blues and requests.
| 13 5:30PM - 8:30PM [+] Dinner Jazz at the Merchant MacLiamTrio or quartet. Rotating schedule; Paul Chabot, Spencer Evans and more! Beers, drinks, dinner and pub fare. Dancing!
8:00PM - 1:00AM [+] Rock, Roll and Remember Dance at Zorba'sElvis band, dance performance by the Queen's Swing Club. For the Alzheimer Society of Kingston. More Info
| 14 12:00AM - 11:59PM [+] Stay single all weekend longStay single. Party it up. Take back the weekend! Forget to call the next morning -- lose the number if you have to. Meanwhile, laugh at all those stupid couples buying overpriced junk for each other.
15[+] Stay single all weekend longStay single. Party it up. Take back the weekend! Forget to call the next morning -- lose the number if you have to. Meanwhile, laugh at all those stupid couples buying overpriced junk for each other.
| 16 8:00PM - 11:00PM [+] Swing Dance (Reading Week - Location TBA)Reading Week! Dance Location To Be Announced
| 17 | 18 | 19 10:00PM - 1:30AM [+] Martini Night at the Grad Club with Spencer EvansSpencer Evans Trio plays funk, reggae, jazz, blues and requests.
| 20 5:30PM - 8:30PM [+] Dinner Jazz at the Merchant MacLiamTrio or quartet. Rotating schedule; Paul Chabot, Spencer Evans and more! Beers, drinks, dinner and pub fare. Dancing!
| 21 |
22 | 23 8:00PM - 11:00PM [+] Swing Dance in Wallace HallWallace Hall, JDUC (close to Union St. entrance). Lesson at 8pm, dance at 9pm. Follow the music and you'll be there!
| 24 | 25 | 26 10:00PM - 1:30AM [+] Martini Night at the Grad Club with Spencer EvansSpencer Evans Trio plays funk, reggae, jazz, blues and requests.
| 27 5:30PM - 8:30PM [+] Dinner Jazz at the Merchant MacLiamTrio or quartet. Rotating schedule; Paul Chabot, Spencer Evans and more! Beers, drinks, dinner and pub fare. Dancing!
| 28 |
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