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Charlie and Heidi - Blues 2004


Updated 18 Mar 2004 20:58 by Tim Brown

The Queen's Swing Club is proud to present a blues workshop Wednesday 24 March featuring Charlie and Heidi from St. Louis! There will be two blues-intensive classes offered Wednesday evening and a blues dance afterward.

Class prices are: Early registration (March 15th 11pm) $13 for the first class, and $20 for both classes. Classes are progressive. After this evening, class prices increase by $2 a class.


Updated 18 Mar 2004 21:03 by Hillary Wilson

Classes are progressive, but open to all levels of experience.

Blues 1: Blues Fundamentals. (7pm - 8pm)

This class will cover the basics of blues dance with an emphasis on connection and blues movement. Learn the core moves and principles of blues and kick your dancing up a notch!

Blues 2: Blues Styling. (8:10pm - 9:10 pm)

Okay, you?ve learned the basics, so now what? This class will build on the fundamental movements of blues and teach variations, musicality and styling to help you bring your blues dancing to the next level, using the principles learned in Blues 1.

Private Lessons

This is your time alone with the instructors to work on the things you feel you need help with. So have fun with it and learn from the masters!! Lessons are available from 2pm to 5pm on Wednesday March 24th, 2004. Please contact 0hw4@qlink.queensu.ca in order to book a lesson.

One person/One instructor: $52/hour
Couple/One instructor: $80/hour
Couple/Both instructors: $105/hour


Rodger?s Room, St. James? Anglican Church
10 Union Street West
Kingston, ON
Office Info:
K7L 2N7



Updated 18 Mar 2004 21:20 by Hillary Wilson

Please register in person using this form in PDF format.


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